Botox Aftercare

Botox Aftercare

Botox aftercare are the tips that need to be followed after getting a botox treatment. Botox is a cosmetic drug that contains botulinum toxin that clinicians inject into the infected areas. This drug prevents muscle contraction, relaxes and softens wrinkles, and keeps them from coming back to your face. Several steps need to be followed before and after getting the botox treatment.

What is Botox?

What is Botox?

Botox is a brand name for an injection called botulinum toxin that doctors use to reduce the appearance of wrinkles on your face, bring brightness to your eyes, and improve neck spasms (a sudden uncontrollable contraction of neck muscles), and help counteract overactive bladder.

It is a cosmetic drug that helps relax your muscles and give you a smoother, young appearance. This nonsurgical procedure has can be used for around 30 years and has become one of the renowned nonsurgical methods around the world because of the quick effect and younger-looking skin. However, do you think Botox has a permanent effect on your face? Does it require a cycle of drugs, like, after a few months, we need to get it done again? If yes, what steps you should follow in Botox aftercare for its long-lasting impact on our skin? Do you think employing Botox is beneficial?

This article will give answers to all your questions and explain the steps of Botox Aftercare, as prescribed by a dermatologist.

How Does Botox Work?

How Does Botox Work

Botox is a brand name for the cosmetic drug that doctors inject into the affected muscle and the forehead is the part that shows the first sign of aging and that’s why it is the most common sign of botox injection when treating wrinkles.

(Please note that injections are available in other brand names also such as Dysport, and Xeomin.)

After injecting, Botox comprising neurotoxin (obtained from bacteria called Clostridium Botulinum) blocks nerve signals and paralyzes muscles for a time being.

The dilute toxin in injection prevents muscles from contracting this softens, relaxes wrinkles, and prevents them from developing again.

Doctors find the horizontal area above the eyebrows as the easy and fastest area for botox injection to show results. However, the area between the eyebrows, also called 11 lines are difficult to treat.

How is Botox Beneficial?

How is Botox Beneficial

From the age of 25, wrinkles start appearing on the face. It starts with fine lines on the face and then a loss of volume and elasticity comes slowly with age. We find various methods to remove wrinkles such as Retinoids such as Retin-A and Renova, laser resurfacing, and so on. A method like Retinoids takes around 3-6 months to show their effect. However, employing Botox as an alternative, you see the results in 3-4 days, but maximum results can be seen up to 14 days.

What is the Best Time to Get a Botox Treatment?

What is the Best Time to Get a Botox Treatment

The proven age for getting a botox treatment is 18 years. However, experts suggest that the mid to late 20s and early 30s is the best period to get a botox treatment.

What is Botox Aftercare?

What is Botox Aftercare

Before you get boto, it’s good that you avoid alcohol for a week. You should also stop taking inflammatory medicines 2 weeks before starting the treatment, as this helps prevent bruising.

The process starts like this:

When you sit down to get botox treatment, the doctor starts by dissolving a small amount of powdered botulinum into saline (which is a mixture of salt and water). By using this mixture, they will clean your face before injecting a needle.

The doctor might ask you to move the muscles of the infected area for him to locate the area and inject the drug. Basically, a botox session lasts for 10 minutes. However, it might take longer while cover a larger area.

Steps to follow in Botox Aftercare

Steps to follow in Botox Aftercare

It is necessary to know that Botox doesn’t show quick effects, it takes a few days for the benefits to start. But these benefits won’t last forever, it remains for around 3-4 months at maximum. After this time period, you will have to get it done again.  Botox treatment doesn’t take much of your time, however, there are some Botox Aftercare steps you need to follow:

Don’t stress yourself

Getting an injection on the face for the first time is time-taking work. However, you should avoid doing physical activities, as it may cause Botox to spread in unintended areas and reduce its effects.

You should for at least 4 hours before engaging in any light exercise like walking or yoga. Also, you should wait 24 hours before getting into a normal exercise routine.

Avoid applying pressure on the infected area

Avoid touching the infected area for around 1-3 days after treatment. Avoid massages, tight headwear, or clothing, and try not to sleep on the affected area side.

Avoid your drinking habits

Avoid drinking alcohol at least 24 hours after treatment and inflammatory beverages or medicines like Iboprufin, as they may thin your blood and cause bruising around the infected area.

Relax your skin

Relax your skin and avoid facials, scrubbing on your face, dermal fillers, and facial exercises 24 hours after the treatment. Let Botox work for you and show you appreciating results.

Avoid staying under the Sun

Avoid staying under the sun, as you may get tanning on your face and direct sunlight raises blood pressure which may flush your skin and reduce the effect of the treatment. Also, avoid using tanning beds, saunas, and hot tubs to get effective results.

Some Potential Side Effects of Botox Treatment

Some Potential Side Effects of Botox Treatment

Side effects that may occur after getting a botox treatment are:

  • Blurred vision
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Shortening of breath
  • Numbness
  • Slurred speech
  • Severe indigestion
  • Swallowing around the injected area
  • Flu signs and symptoms
  • Hanging Eyelids and Eyebrows
  • Paralysis on the face


Lastly, if you get any of the side effects mentioned above, you need to check with your doctor to find out if there are guidelines you are following or any other method that can be used to prevent such side effects. For example, if you’re currently on medication that is interacting with your treatment, you need to inform your doctor. Do this even if the medicines don’t impact the affected area in which you’ve had injected. It’s better to be safe and secure.

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