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How much Vitamin C per Day?
How much Vitamin C per Day?, Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins. It can aid in wound healing, soft and smooth skin, ensure a strong immune system, allow more collagen production and with high levels of antioxidants, it prevents your body from radical damage as well. It is one of the vitamins that are soluble in water.
If you are wondering how much vitamin C per day do you need then this article gives you an entire deep study age-wise on how much Vitamin various age groups need to take.
Certainly, it is one of the vital nutrients along with others that you need to take as a part of your regular diet.
If you do not know about the scientific name of Vitamin C yet then it is also known as L ascorbic acid or in simple terms only ascorbic acid.
Some animals can synthesize Vitamin C in their body on their own but unfortunately we humans do not fall under this category.
So the only mode that you can ensure proper levels of this water-soluble vitamin is through your regular diet or with the help of dietary supplements.
Remember that as Vitamin C is water-soluble it has some advantages and disadvantages. On the advantage side, it is soluble in water gets easily absorbed.
But the disadvantage is that you can lose it as well with sweating, urination, and stool. This is why you need to keep citrus fruits as a part of your regular diet.
What should be the Recommended Amount of Vitamin C intake?
The ideal guidelines on how much vitamin C per day your body needs have been standardized by the Institute of Medicine.
So for kids between 1 to 3 years age group the ideal vitamin C intake would be around 15 mg per day.
As you grow older and come under the 4 to 8 year age category you will need to increase your vitamin C intake to around 25mg.
Adolescent children that are those falling under the 9 to 13 year age group need to take as much as 45 mg per day.
When you come under the teenage category that is from 14 to 18 year age group the need for regular Vitamin C intake in your body goes up even higher and is around 65 to 75 mg per day.
Remember that till this age group it is the vital responsibility of parents to provide the right amount of Vitamin C to their infants and children depending on which age group or category they belong to.
From here on the amounts of Vitamin C that you need to take as a part of your regular diet will vary depending on your sex apart from the age group.
Adults who are 19 years and older belonging to the male category need to take 90mg at least per day. while the same age group of women needs around 75 mg of Vitamin C per day.
For pregnant women who are currently under the gestation period, the levels of Vitamin C are a bit higher as you need to take your bit and also look after the nutrition needs of your fetus for developing a healthy child in your womb.
So women of this category need at least 85mg of Vitamin C through diet and supplements in combination.
After women give birth and till your baby breastfeeds on you, you need to take care of your dietary as well as your baby’s dietary needs for Vitamin C.
And this is why this category of women need around 120 mg of Vitamin C apart from other nutrients in their diet.
Now that you have an idea of how much vitamin C per day you need you must be wondering as to what are the maximum capping that is allowed for Vitamin C intake in adults.
Well, this amount is around 2000mg per day.
How can Vitamin C help you?
Vitamin C can help you to keep your metabolic levels in optimum condition apart from curbing specific health problems.
Of course, the lack of Vitamin C can occur within any age group specifically within kids.
This is why parents need to keep a close look at the dietary intake of Vitamin C per day in children and babies.
By the way, the lack of Vitamin C is known as scurvy. If you have any problems with low Vitamin C it is usually visible through some symptoms such as bruising of hands and feet, bleeding gums, weakness, fatigue, rashes, dryness and itching of the skin and even peeling of the skin.
As we told you above as well the possible remedies include intake of more fruits and veggies that are rich in Vitamin C or else take some supplements. You can also go for medicines containing Vitamin C.
We recommend that you consult a doctor if you wish to take supplements and medicines. sometimes the build-up of Vitamin C and its replenishment through the only diet may take some time.
If you experience severe types of symptoms of low Vitamin C in your body then you need to visit the doctors to get to know of a suitable medicine and dose.
Vitamin C is a highly essential nutrient for supplementing the overall health of your T-cells or immune cells.
persons who generally lag in Vitamin C in their body can experience low functioning of the immune system and suffer from illness, fever, rashes, and allergies of different types especially during the fall season or during changing weather times.
Vitamin C is also critical for the healing of wounds. Scientists say that vitamin C can also help in absorbing iron.
This is why sometimes we see that patients who have a deficiency of Vitamin C also have iron deficiency as low Vitamin C cannot allow absorption of enough iron during digestion and absorption process.
What are the Food sources that are rich in Vitamin C?
Now that you have an idea of how much vitamin C per day you need per day let us see what you can start with for replenishing the levels of Vitamin C in your body.
Here are some of the best recommendations of both food and vegies on the same list that are commonly found in your kitchen.
So do not feel shy to add them as a part of your regular diet starting with your next meal-
- Red pepper
- Orange juice
- Lemon juice
- Grapes
- Berries
- Kiwi fruit
- Broccoli
- Strawberries
- Brussels
What to know when choosing a supplement?
For those suffering from severer problems of Vitamin C deficiency, they can choose to go with supplements as well.
Remember that to know about the best Vitamin C supplement brand you need to consult with a doctor.