Buy Sildenafil

Buy Sildenafil (Generic)

Active Ingredient (Generic Name): Sildenafil Citrate
Indication: Erectile Dysfunction
Manufacturer: Actiza Pharmaceutical Pvt. Ltd.
Packaging: 100 tablets in 1 bottle
Strength: 100mg
Delivery Time: 6 To 15 days
20% OFF: Use Code AM20 @ Checkout page

Buy Sildenafil (Generic) - 100 mg

100 mg Price Price/unit Quantity Add To Cart
100 Tablet/s $70 $0.7 /Tablet
200 Tablet/s $130 $0.65 /Tablet
300 Tablet/s $170 $0.57 /Tablet
500 Tablet/s $260 $0.52 /Tablet
1000 Tablet/s $480 $0.48 /Tablet
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Medically Reviewed by
Dr. Jack Williamson

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What is Buy Sildenafil?

First of all, you must know that it’s not Buy Sildenafil the name of the generic substance and whose details we are going to speak about in this article is generic Sildenafil citrate or simply put sildenafil.

This substance helps give patients a hard erection and find a cure for erectile dysfunction problems.

So are you looking to buy Sildenafil and use it right away? Well, there are two problems that you are going to face largely.

One of them is that you will not be able to buy Sildenafil Online as it is a generic substance. What you can do is buy one of its numerous brands such as Generic Viagra, Cenforce, Malegra, Fildena, etc. And the other reason is that Sildenafil is a prescription substance and so you just cannot go to any medicine shop or order online without showing p your doctor’s prescription.

The medicines are available only when you visit a doctor and get a written confirmation from them regarding the brand you are to use and the dose you must buy.

Uses Of The Sildenafil?

We recommend that you buy Sildenafil or any of its available brands but only once you have an idea of the exact use it can be put to.

As given above already, the medicines find their one major application only and that is for the cure of erectile dysfunction which is also known as impotence disorder.

The medicines only give patients a temporary cure and help achieve erectile hardness only as long as the generic substance is still active in your body.

Remember that using any dose or making abrupt changes in your dose is going to have a disproportionate amount of sildenafil which can easily lead to an overdose.

And overdosing on Sildenafil will give rise to side effects.



Considering buying Sildenafil? Well, one of the primary questions is which dose to use. And if you want to get an exact idea the best suggestion is to visit the doctor today itself.

you will find it pretty amazing that there are various doses of Sildenafil starting from a low to a very high dose.

considering the strength of the medicines, they have a small dose that starts at 25mg and then ends with a 200mg dose which is the highest.

In between these two you can find other doses as well such as Sildenafil 25mg, Sildenafil 100 mg, and Sildenafil 150 mg.


For avoiding side effects and to witness and experience all the good things after using Sildenafil doses you need to maintain some precautions as we have come up with here.

Maintaining this set of precautions is largely critical for any patient. But remember that the precautions that we have given here are just general precautions. If you want to get a customized precautionary list then you have to visit a doctor.

The first thing that comes on the precaution list is to avoid a couple of substances such as alcohol, narcotic drugs, and grape juice because all of them have a high chance of contraindicating with generic Sildenafil.

Remember that this drug has been manufactured only for male ED cure. So females suffering from female sexual disorder should focus on accessing special drugs curing FSD specifically that contain female Sildenafil.

Some activities that doctors might recommend you not include driving as under the effects of headache, hallucinations, and nausea your chances of accidents and injuries might increase significantly.

Benefits Of Buy Sildenafil Tablet?

Well, the first benefit is generic Sildenafil’s activation time which is around 6 hours and this time is long enough for you to have sex meanwhile.

The second is that to buy SIldenafil citrate you are surely going to have loads of options in the form of numerous brands available to you. So you can find your desired brand as always.

There are both FDA-recommendable drugs like Viagra in the US or else generic drugs as well such as Cenforce, Silditop, Malegra, etc.

What Are The Side Effects Of Sildenafil?

Before we list down the side effects you must know that to buy Sildenafil and use it and then suffer from side effects is probably an indication of either of two things.

One of them might be that you are generally allergic to the use of the generic substance. The other one is that you are not sure of the dose and hence take an unnecessary overdose resulting in side effects.

Here are the side effects are given below for your reference-

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Itching
  • Rashes
  • Tremors
  • Palpitations
  • Chest pain
  • Blurry eyes
  • Fall in blood pressure
  • Lower libido
  • Priapism

Buy Sildenafil Online in US and UK

Check out the online websites from both US and UK. If you don’t find your recommended brand then you can also Indian online medicine sellers and find out a reputed and trustable one.

You can Buy Sildenafil Citrate Online in the US and UK and the most common brand that you will come across is Viagra followed by a few others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1.) What happens if you take too much Sildenafil?

Taking an unnecessary increasing amount of generic Sildenafil will always lead you to an excess amount of SIldenafil than what you can cope with and this surely is going to lead you to side effects as is the case with overdose.

Q.2.) How Does Sildenafil Work?

Sildenafil has this tendency to block the secretion of PDE-5 hormones and bring about a vasodilation effect on the arteries in the penis. The vasodilation effects occur because of nitric oxide presence which is a natural vasodilator.

Due to rising volumes of blood in the penis tissues, it is easier for you to get a hard erection on stimulation.

Q.3.) How to Take Sildenafil?

It’s an oral drug so just swallow it with water.

Q.4.) What Are The Common Drug Interactions

There are some categories of drugs that may contraindicate with sildenafil. When you buy Sildenafil generic you must know about them.

The list includes-

  • All nitrate derivative compounds
  • All alpha-blocker pills
  • Some brands of antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal pills
  • Blood pressure-controlling pills


We can generally conclude that if you use the right amounts of Sildenafil and buy sildenafil from a trustable online place then you are bound to get pretty good results in having hard erections.


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