(1 customer review)
Active Ingredient (Generic Name): Doxycycline, Ivermectine, Zinc Acetate
Indication: Viral Infection
Manufacturer: Shreya-Menarini-Zuventus
Packaging: 1 Kit of (Doxycycline 100mg =10 pills + Ivermectin 12mg = 3 pills + Zinc acetate 50mg = 20 pills)
Delivery Time: 6 To 15 days
10% OFF: Use Code AM10 @ Checkout page
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Kit Price Price/unit Quantity Add To Cart
1 Kit (33 Tablets) $22 $22 /Kit
3 Kit/s (99 Tablets) $60 $20 /Kit
6 Kit/s (198 Tablets) $110 $18.33 /Kit
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Medically Reviewed by
Dr. Zackefron

What Our Customer Says


What is Ziverdo Kit?

Every Ziverdo Kit encloses 50mg of Zinc Acetate, 100mg of Doxycycline hydrochloride, and 12mg of Ivermectin dispersible pills or capsules.

Also, it is advisable to use Ziverdo Kit as per the duration and dose suggestion of your GP.

Part (A) Zinc Pills

There are fourteen tablets of Zinc in the Ziverdo Kit Online. Besides, all film-coated pills carry Zinc Acetate (as Dihydrate) comparable to elemental Zinc 50 milligrams & excipients q.s.

Part (B) Doxycycline Capsules

There are ten capsules of Doxycycline in the Ziverdo Kit.

Moreover, all hard-coated gelatin capsules include Doxycycline hydrochloride equal to Doxycycline 100mg & excipients q.s.

Part (C) Ivermectin Dispersible pills

There are three pills of Ivermectin Dispersible in the Ziverdo Kit. 

Plus, all uncoated dispersible pills encompass Ivermectin 12mg and excipients q.s.

About Zinc 

Zinc forms a crucial element for the development, growth of healthy, and strong body tissues.

Additionally, this element boosts the immune system of your body. Furthermore, Zinc has a vital role in the working of numerous DNA, enzymes, & protein formation.

Also, this element aids in cell division, carbohydrate metabolism, wound healing, and cell growth.

About Doxycycline Hydrochloride

Doxycycline Hydrochloride makes a broad-spectrum antibiotic artificially manufactured from oxytetracycline.

Besides, the antibiotic in the Buy Ziverdo Kit Online is useful for an extensive array of vulnerable bacterial infections.

Moreover, this drug represses protein formation by stopping the 30S ribosomal subunit of bacteria.

About Ivermectin 

Ivermectin happens to be an anti-parasitic remedy in the Ziverdo Kit. 

Plus, this stuff appends selectively & with an intense appeal to glutamate-gated chloride ion channels.

Additionally, this takes place in invertebrate nerve and muscle cells of the microfilaria.

Furthermore, the attaching brings on amplification in the permeability relating to the cell membrane to chloride ions.

Also, this gives rise to hyperpolarization of the cell.

Besides, this, finally, results in paralysis & fatality of the parasite.

Who is Manufactures Ziverdo Kit?

The highly eminent manufacturer Mankind Pharma Ltd produces the Buy Ziverdo Kit.

What Are The Uses Of The Ziverdo Kit?

The Ziverdo kit carries three different remedies in a combination pack.

Therefore, the uses of every prime component (3) are in brief below:

 Zinc acetate Uses:

Zinc cures and stops zinc deficiency.

Also, it boosts the development and growth of healthy tissues of the body.

Besides, this element makes better your immune system.

Moreover, zinc aids to stop respiratory tract infection.

Plus, this element in kids heals acute diarrhoea.

Additionally, it assists the process of wound healing.

Doxycycline hydrochloride Uses:

The salt Doxycycline hydrochloride aids to heal an extensive array of bacterial infections.

Plus, these infections take in sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, (nasal, lung, chest infections).

Additionally, the chemical treats infections of a user’s kidney & bladder such as urethritis and cystitis.

Furthermore, doxycycline cures several skin infections like acne.

Also, this antibiotic heals eye infections, and sexually transmitted diseases such as Chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhoea.

Besides, this drug is useful in curbing rickettsial infections like Q fever & fever due to tick bites or louse.

Moreover, it targets malaria when the drug chloroquine does not show effects.

Plus, it cures a vast range of other bacterial infections.

Ivermectin Uses

This substance assists to cure infections that start due to certain parasites.

Ziverdo kit Contains

Every Zivredo kit encloses 50mg of Zinc Acetate, 100mg of Doxycycline hydrochloride, and 12mg of Ivermectin dispersible pills or capsules

Dosage Of Ziverdo Kit

The Aciclovir encloses capsules as well as pills that need ingestion by mouth.

Also, a user should not quit using the medication without your GP’s recommendation.

Besides, you must never devour higher or lower than your doc prescribes.

Moreover, for adults, the normal dosage is 200mg initially on the 1st day of therapy in separate doses.

Plus, this will follow a maintenance dosage of 100mg each day.

Additionally, for kids, the suggested dosage is 2 mglb of a user’s body weight separated into 2 doses.

Furthermore, this medication is available in capsule & suspension form to eat orally alongside food.


It is not in any way wise to use the Ziverdo Kit in surplus amounts.

Plus, overdose on the medication will surely begin side effects that can deteriorate your condition further.

Additionally, you need immediate medical care.

Therefore, call a GP quickly or rush to the hospital so that side effects go away.

Furthermore, the side effects appear as vomiting, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, diarrhoea etc.

Missed Dose   

Use a forgotten dose of Ziverdo Kit whenever you remember.

Also, in case the time for daily drug regime pill is coming near, avoid eating the skipped dose.

Besides, instead, gulp down each day scheduled tablet and do not devour two doses in unison.

Moreover, you must not alter the dose yourself or quit the ingestion of this medicine.

Plus, you necessarily confer with your doc.


You speak to your GP in case you are allergic to doxycycline.

Or have any other allergy to the active or inactive recipe of the kit medication, tell the doctor.

Plus, in case you are allergic to sulfite, tell your doc.

Additionally, inform your physician in case you have an allergy to any remedy.

Furthermore, you make certain to talk about the allergy and the signs you suffered from.

Also, this will take in cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, itching, hives, and rashes.

You convey, in addition, about allergies like throat, tongue, lip, swelling of your face, and other symptoms.

Besides, in case you discover any other complication speak to your GP quickly.

Moreover, you confer with your healthcare professional during breastfeeding & pregnancy.

Plus, do not allow kids to handle the combination medication.

Furthermore, the patient must speak about the issues if he/she had such as renal impairment, psychoses, peptic ulceration, and osteoporosis.

Additionally, hypothyroidism, glaucoma, epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, recent myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure needs wariness.

Also, the intake of medications falling under the tetracycline category during teeth growth can be risky.

Besides, during teeth development i.e. pregnancy in the last half, infancy, and babyhood up to eight years can begin teeth discolouration.

Moreover, the child’s teeth can turn brown, grey, or yellow.

So, tetracycline medicines must never be prescription in these age groups.

Plus, in case other medications do not work or show contraindication, then use tetracycline.

Side effects

The extremely widespread side effects of this combo remedy are diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, and skin reaction.

Also, the skin reaction that comes up when you come under the sunlight is photosensitivity.

Besides, you try to avoid too much sun exposure.

Therefore, make use of sunscreen.

Moreover, you use protective clothing while going outdoors.

Plus, these reactions are normally mild.

However, tell your healthcare expert in case they cause trouble or do not vanish in some days.

Ziverdo kit side effects appear as rash,

  • breathing problems,
  • swelling,
  • itching,
  • confusion,
  • increased heartbeat,
  • seizure,
  • dizziness,
  • eye swelling.
  • swollen lymph nodes,
  • joint pain,
  • headache,
  • muscle pain,
  • nausea,
  • bloody mucus,
  • serious intestinal condition,
  • bloody stool begin.
  • Furthermore,
  • continuing headache,
  • vision changes,
  • skull pressure but rare,
  • bismuth subs acylate,
  • diarrhoea,
  • stomach upset occur.
  • weakness,
  • vomiting,
  • stomach cramps,
  • nausea,
  • loss of appetite,
  • reduced copper level and diminished levels of cholesterol in blood strike.

What happens if you take too much Ziverdo Kit?

It is not in any way wise to use the Ziverdo Kit in surplus amounts.

Plus, overdose on the medication will surely begin side effects that can deteriorate your condition further.

Additionally, you need immediate medical care.

Therefore, call a GP quickly or rush to the hospital so that side effects go away.

Furthermore, the side effects appear as vomiting, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, diarrhoea etc.

How Does Ziverdo Kit work?

Valcivir 500mg medicine brings about augmentation in the permeability relating to the cell membrane to chloride ions.

Plus, this function sets in hyperpolarization of the cell.

Additionally, this, finally, results in paralysis and fatality of the parasite.

How to Take Ziverdo Kit?

There exist three modes for eating this kit of medicine as it carries three main constituents.

1-Zinc acetate

You speak to your physician for the correct dosage.

However, pregnant ladies must not use above 40mg of the element each day.

Also, notify your doctor regarding any other medicine or dietary supplement you eat.


Your doc prescribes this antibiotic for healing infection and alleviating signs.

Besides, you do never forget any doses.

Moreover, a user needs to complete the entire drug regimen of the treatment even though your condition perks up.

Plus, discontinuing it very soon can cause your infection to reappear and difficult to manage.

Additionally, the kit drug can bring on dizziness.

Therefore, do not operate machinery or ply vehicles or indulge in activities that demand mental focus.

Furthermore, you must learn how doxycycline impacts your alertness.

Also, the remedy can begin diarrhoea as a reaction, however, will cease when drug regimen therapy is complete.

Besides, notify your physician in case diarrhoea does not cease or your stool is bloody.

Moreover, convey your GP in case you are breastfeeding or pregnant or intending to conceive.

Plus, quit the use of doxycycline and tell your doc instantly in case you get side effects.

Additionally, the reactions break as trouble in breathing, swelling of some body parts, itchy skin, hives or rash.

Furthermore, you better avoid too much exposure to the sun.

Also, a patient must use sunscreen.

Besides, you better use protective clothing when you are outdoors.

Moreover, a user must eat the drug when he/she is standing or sitting so that to avoid throat irritation.

Plus, you should not sleep for nearly thirty minutes after the ingestion of doxycycline.

Additionally, a user better eats the medication with ample fresh water and food so that to keep stomach upset off.


This substance aids to heal parasitic infection of the user’s eyes, skin and intestinal tract.

Plus, a patient should consume this kit medication with a glass of fresh water when his/her stomach is not full.

Additionally, a user normally requires eating it merely one time to get better off the infection.

But, in case a user does not feel in good spirits after eating it, confer with your physician.

Furthermore, you make use of loads of fluids and give up caffeine during the drug regime of the kit remedy.

Also, a patient’s physician can get blood and stool tests after you use the remedy.

Besides, this is so to observe if a user has completely got better off the infection.

Moreover, notify your GP in case you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or intending to conceive.

What Are The Common Drug Interactions

  • Calcium
  • Anti-seizure medicines, like phenytoin, strontium
  • Iron
  • Digoxin
  • Magnesium
  • Blood thinners, such as warfarin
  • Zinc
  • Barbiturates
  • Retinoid medications, like acitretin, isotretinoin
  • Antacids
  • Bismuth subs acylate


This drug is indicated in patients with sexually transmitted diseases, pneumonia, chest infections, zinc deficiency and other parasitic infections.

Storage conditions

You must store this kit medication at 25-30 degree Celsius room temperature.

Plus, a user can place it in an air-tight bottle.

Additionally, put this remedy away from dampness and heat.

Furthermore, you do not let your pets and kids reach it.

Why Buy Ziverdo Kit From Us?

The difficulty of erectile dysfunction is a nasty threat to a guy’s sex life.

Also, this disorder can spoil his relationship as well as his marriage.

Besides, luckily, there exist many medicines to restrain the negative effects of this sexual incapacity.

Moreover, guys procure them and live a gratifying sex life.

But, medications necessitate acquiring from a dependable online retailer.

Plus, they require a seller that is eminent for selling top-notch remedies.

Undoubtedly, the big and eminent name of Arrowmeds possesses all these features.

Additionally, Arrowmeds retail quality brands that come from pharmaceutical giants.

Furthermore, this site provides its consumers with lucrative discounts and offers.

Also, their products are very economical.

Besides, this aspect makes your purchase very profitable and you gain some extra money without investing.

Moreover, Arrowmeds offers top service to its customers and your medicine reaches your home like lightning.

Plus, this site does not kill your precious time because they deliver remedies on time.

What is the use of Ziverdo kit?

Ziverdo Kit encloses Zinc acetate pills, Doxycycline capsules, and dispersible Ivermectin pills.

Plus, Doxycycline is an antibiotic and is useful for curing chest diseases.

Additionally, Zinc acetate helps to heal and stop zinc deficiency.

What is the purpose of Ziverdo kit?

The purpose of Ziverdo Kit is to deal with a chest infection and the parasitic infection of a user’s intestinal tract.

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1 review for ZIVERDO KIT

  1. Parker Hall
    Parker Hall

    I have ordered much time Ziverdo kit from arrowmeds.com, and it’s amazing service and high-quality product. The team of arrowmeds is very helpful, and They provide fast shipping and also order are trackable. I am very satisfied to Arrowmeds.

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