
Headache and erectile dysfunction

Headache and Erectile Dysfunction

headache and erectile dysfunction, A survey made in Taiwan reveals that males fighting ED or erectile dysfunction are 63% more prone to get a diagnosis of migraine.

Also, this ratio was in comparison to males without the disorder of the headache.

Besides, researchers evaluated the statistics at the National Taiwan University College of Medicine.

Moreover, they evaluated the figures from insurance claims of twenty-three-thousand guys for completing this survey.

Plus, approximately five thousand and seven hundred males got the diagnosis of ED.

Additionally, ED is the incapacity to obtain and continue an erection.

Furthermore, researchers made a comparison of this group with seventeen-thousand guys.

Besides, these males did not get a diagnosis of ED issues.

Also, out of the guys fighting erectile dysfunction, 4.25 percent of males were ill with migraines.

In contrast, in males without erectile disorder, merely 2.64 percent were suffering from migraines.

Moreover, the connection between headache and erectile dysfunction was principally strong among young males.

Additionally, guys in their 30s fighting ED were more or less two times more prone to get a diagnosis of migraine.

Plus, this ratio was in comparison to guys without ED.

Dr Yuan Huang who was leading a team of researchers is not sure what can be the reason for the connection.

Moreover, they are the first to perform this kind of research to discover this association between headache and erectile dysfunction.

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Reason for this link

Reason for this link

  • Besides, one likely reason for this connection seen in this survey can be chronic pain.
  • Furthermore, they see it as the cause of migraine headaches.
  • Also, another likely reason that came from the surveyors is the role of dopamine.
  • Furthermore, medical experts consider dopamine has a part in sexual functions and migraines.
  • Additionally, guys who hunt for medical aid for their migraine issues are more prone to get care for their ED.
  • However, this is only the probability.
  • Plus, it is possible that ED can be a result of certain medicaments that guys with migraine use.
  • Besides, other investigators said that headache and erectile dysfunction have no causal connection.
  • Moreover, the survey is the first of its kind.
  • Additionally, more research is necessary to discover the link between headache and erectile dysfunction.

How to ease your headache

  • Headaches take place.
  • The welcome news is there exist trouble-free things a male can do to alleviate the pain without visiting the physician.
  • Furthermore, you undertake these tips and feel better quickly in headache and erectile dysfunction.

How to ease your headache

Go for a cold pack

Go for a cold pack

Maybe you are ailing with migraines.

Then make use of a cold pack.

Also, put the cold pack on the forehead.

Moreover, a bag full of frozen vegetables and ice cubes covered with a towel can ease your headache.

Besides, a cold shower is one more option to alleviate the pain.

Additionally, continue the compress on the head for nearly fifteen minutes and after that stop the compress for fifteen minutes.

Make use of a hot compress or a heating pad

  • Perhaps you are dealing with a tension headache.
  • Then put a heating pad close to the back of your head or your neck.
  • Additionally, in case you are ill with a sinus headache, place some warm cloth close to the place that hurts.
  • Furthermore, a warm shower is one more trick to ease your headache.
  • In headache and erectile dysfunction use a heating pad.

Make use of a hot compress or a heating pad_

Relieve pressure on your head or scalp

Relieve pressure on your head or scalp

  • Maybe your ponytail is very tight.
  • Then it can start a headache.
  • Such exterior compression headaches can also begin with putting on a hat swimming goggles, or headband.
  • Moreover, if your wear these things very tight, you will get a headache.

Do not chew

  • The habit of chewing gum is likely to hurt your jaw as well as your head.
  • Also, the same habit of chewing the inside of your cheeks, fingernails, or anything such as a pen can start a headache.
  • Moreover, you better refrain from sticky and crispy foods and ensure to cut small bites into them.
  • Besides, maybe you are in habit of grinding your teeth during the night.
  • Then get a mouthguard from the dentist.
  • Plus, possibly this way you can avoid early-morning headaches.

Do not chew

Stay hydrated

Stay hydrated

  • You must intake ample amounts of liquids.
  • Additionally, reports say dehydration can bring on a headache or render it more badly.

Have caffeine

  • You drink some coffee or tea or anything having a little bit of caffeine in it.
  • Furthermore, maybe you use caffeine-containing stuff soon after the pain begins.
  • Then it is liable to alleviate the pain quickly.
  • Besides, this can aid over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol to function better.
  • Moreover, you remember not to take excessive amounts as caffeine withdrawal is prone to start its variety of headaches.

Have caffeine

Perform relaxation tips

Perform relaxation tips

  • You can perform progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, yoga, or stretches.
  • Plus, you must learn how to calm down when you are ill with a headache can help ease the headache.
  • Additionally, a person should speak to his doctor concerning physical therapy in case your neck hurts.
  • Moreover, this way you can alleviate the headache.


  • A male can perform massage himself.
  • Furthermore, you can massage your temples, neck, and forehead yourself.
  • Also, doing so, it can aid to alleviate a tension headache.
  • Besides, this pain can come up due to stress.
  • Moreover, you can use mild rotating pressure on the area that hurts.


Use ginger

Use Ginger

  • A minor latest survey reveals that using ginger alongside your over-the-counter painkillers can lessen migraine woes in ED patients.
  • Plus, in another survey ginger worked top along with prescription migraine medications.
  • Besides, a headache patient can use a supplement or drink some tea.

Dim the room lights

  • Flickering or dazzling lights, also from your laptop are prone to begin a headache.
  • Plus, in case you are susceptible to them, drape the windows with blackout shutters in the daytime.
  • Additionally, you put on sunglasses outdoors.
  • Furthermore, you better attach anti-glare screens to the laptop.
  • Besides, you make use of daytime spectrum fluorescent bulbs in your room.

Dim the room lights

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